Marty's Asian Veggie Soup


  • Ingredients
    • 3/4 cup frozen petite peas.
    • 1 cup +/- red and green bell peppers
    • 1 can black beans
    • ½ cup diced celery, carrots, potatoes, onion or whatever you have, +/-
    • 1 box chicken broth or stock
    • 1 heaping tsp dried basil
    • Big sprinkle red pepper
    • 1 star anise
    • 2 cubes frozen ginger or 2 tsp fresh minced ginger


Drain the black beans thoroughly and rinse. Add all the ingrediants, but add the peas last after the carrots and potatoes are almost done. Suggestions: Brocolli, add last and heat only 5 minutes. Snow peas, sugar snaps add very last and add only what will be eaten immediately. Add more when reheating.

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